
Today's charity shop bargains!

12:39 pm

wool ready for felting, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

So back from the shops,and here is my haul. Wool jumpers were sadly hard to find,shame you can't felt acrylic,there was lots of that in such lovely colours.
I did find this great old dressing gown though,only £1,and there's loads of lovely fabric there to make Sid some warm trousers for the winter,plus those pretty buttons.

dressing gown bargain

And finally, I spotted these pretty side plates, 5 for £1.50. I love that retro design and the colours are perfect.

pretty plates

Now I must do some work......

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. Great haul! I love the plates! I wish I could go hunting around for bargains but we are trying to clear the loft this weekend!

    I can't wait to see the trouser you make, I bought a wool coat to do the same for Joe but it is still sat in my fabric stash.

  2. I can't wait to see what you do with them!

  3. Hey - hope I didn't freak you out today! I just thought I'd say hi in real life :) Nice to put a voice to the blogs :)


  4. Hi Jen, it was fab to finally meet you. You should pop round for a cuppa and a natter some time.
    email me jeanette@tiddlybums.co.uk
    btw that invite you sent me for your blog didn't work. ;0(


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!